Welcome! Here you can view paintings that I have for sale. Should browsing turn to buying, simply CLICK on the title beneath the image. If you have any questions, Iβm just an Email away at, jennpazienza@gmail.com
Psst, Over Here 1, 8 x8 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
Sorella 1, 54 x 54 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
Sognante, 54 x 54 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
Over the Pond Detail, 8 x 8 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
Clouds Are Far Behind Me, 27 x 26 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
The Lure, 42 x 42 inches, Oil on canvas π΄
Out Beyond Ideas, 42 x 42 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
Psst, Over Here 2, 8 x8 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
Sorella 2, 54 x 54 inches, Oil on Canvas @gallery78official
Over the Pond Detail, 8 x 8 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
Abbondante, 13.5 x 13 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
A Little Something for Over the Sofa! Seriously though, these rectangular works compliment any Collection anywhere. Find examples at my Works On Walls Page
Above the Chimney Tops, 27 x 84 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
Sumptuous root vegetable paintings are happy in any home, office, kitchen, restaurant, or business. For examples visit the Works On Walls Page.
Giallo, 72 x 54 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
Cuore nel Inverno, 72 x 54 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄
After the Rain, 36 x 48 inches, Oil on Canvas π΄